Arolygon Cyffredinol / General Surveys

Yma fe welwch ein harolygon rhanddeiliaid cyffredinol.

Here you will find our general stakeholder surveys.

Yma fe welwch ein harolygon rhanddeiliaid cyffredinol.

Here you will find our general stakeholder surveys.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Mae Cymwysterau Cymru wedi penderfynu datblygu ystod o gymwysterau cysylltiedig â gwaith o'r enw Tystysgrifau Alwedigaethol Addysg Uwchradd (TAAU). Mae'r cymwysterau hyn wedi'u cynllunio ar gyfer pobl ifanc 14 i 16 oed, gan gefnogi eu pontio i astudiaeth ôl-16. 

    Bydd y TAAU yn cael eu cynnig mewn amrywiaeth o bynciau fel yr amlinellir yn ein hadroddiad penderfyniadau.

    Rydym yn chwilio am athrawon pwnc i gymryd rhan yn ein grwpiau pwnc TAAU sydd i ddod. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymuno, gallwch lenwi'r ffurflen hon erbyn Dydd Gwener 12fed  Ebrill.   

    Mae'r grwpiau pwnc TAAU a sylfaen gysylltiedig â gwaithwedi'u targedu at athrawon pwnc ac arweinwyr cwricwlwm sy'n dysgu'r meysydd pwnc rhwng 14-16. Byddai hyn yn golygu mynychu un gweithdy ar-lein a gynhelir yn ystod mis Ebrill - Mehefin (dyddiadau i'w cadarnhau).  

    Qualifications Wales has decided to develop a range of work-related qualifications called Vocational Certificates of Secondary Education (VCSEs). These qualifications are designed for 14 to 16 year-olds, supporting their transition to post-16 study. 

    The VCSEs will be offered in a range of subjects as outlined below and in our decisions report.

    We are looking for school subject teachers to be involved in our upcoming VCSE subject groups. If you are interested in joining please can you fill in this form  by Friday 12 April. 

    The VCSE and Work-related Foundation subject groups are targeted at subject teachers and curriculum leads that teach these subject areas at 14-16. This would entail attending one online workshop to be held during April - June (dates to be confirmed). 

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Cofrestrwch eich diddordeb drwy lenwi'r ffurflen. 

    Register your interest. by completing this form.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Athrawon, rydyn ni eisiau clywed gan eich dysgwyr! 

    Fel rhan o'n ymgynghoriad presennol ar Y Cynnig Llawn o Gymwysterau 14-16, rydyn ni'n eisiau siarad gyda dysgwyr o bob rhan o Gymru. 

    Rydyn ni am gasglu syniadau a barn dysgwyr o flynyddoedd 5 hyd at y rhai mewn Addysg Bellach a Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith i helpu i lunio'r genhedlaeth newydd o gymwysterau heblaw cymwysterau TGAU yng Nghymru. 

    Bydd cyfres o grwpiau ffocws wedi eu hwyluso yn cael eu cynnal mewn ysgolion / colegau / lleoliadau addysg ledled Cymru tan 14 Mehefin. 

    Teachers we want to hear from your learners! 

    As part of our current consultation on The Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer, we want to speak with learners from across Wales. 

    The thoughts and opinions of learners from years 5 through to those in Further Education and Work-Based Learning are being sought to help shape the new generation of qualifications other than GCSEs in Wales. 

    A series of facilitated focus groups will be undertaken at schools / colleges / education settings across Wales until 14 June. 

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This is an easy read document. But you may still need support to read it. Ask someone you know to help. 

    Where the document says we, this means Qualification Wales. For more information contact:



    Phone: 01633 373285

    You should read the The Full 14-16 Qualification Offer document first to answer the questions in the response form.

    You can read about:

    Plan 1 - Skills Suite on Page 8

    Plan 2 - Pre-vocational qualifications on Page 22

    Plan 3 - Foundation qualifications on Page 25

    You must click 'submit' when you have provided all your answers, by 14 June 2023

  • Arolwg / Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Cwblhewch y ffurflen hon i fynegi eich diddordeb mewn bod yn rhan o’r grŵp trafod goruchwylio o bell

    Complete this form to express your interest in being part of the remote invigilation discussion group

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Cwblhewch y ffurflen hon i fynegi eich diddordeb mewn bod yn rhan o’r tîm Moderneiddio Asesu. 

    Complete this form to express your interest in being part of the ‘Modernising Assessment’ team.

  • I gofrestru diddordeb mewn ymuno â'r Fforwm Rhieni a Gofalwyr, cwblhewch y ffurflen fer hon.

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • To register an interest in joining the Parent and Carer Forum, please complete this short form.

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • Helpwch ni i ehangu ein cronfa ddata presennol o gysylltiadau ysgol.  

    Please help us expand our existing database of school contacts.

    Take Survey
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Rydym wrthi’n cynllunio adolygiad o gymwysterau UG a Safon Uwch mewn Cymraeg a Chymraeg Ail Iaith, gyda’r bwriad o roi diwygiadau, lle bod angen, ar waith ar gyfer cymwysterau newydd i fod yn barod i'w haddysgu o fis Medi 2027.

    Er mwyn cyrraedd y nod hwn, rydym yn cynllunio rhaglen o ymgysylltu ag ymarferwyr y Gymraeg, yn ogystal â dysgwyr, uwch arweinwyr ac eraill sydd â diddordeb yn y gwaith hwn.

    Ein bwriad yw cynnal trafodaethau 1:1 ar  Teams, ymweliadau ag ysgolion a/neu weithdai grwpiau bach. Rydym yn awyddus i glywed am eich profiadau o ddarparu’r cymwysterau cyfredol, yn ogystal ag unrhyw farn ar ddiwygiadau yn y dyfodol. Darllenwch fwy am ein cynlluniau ar gyfer y diwygiadau hyn ymaOs oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau pellach, neu os hoffwch gynnig unrhyw sylwadau cysylltwch â ni ar

    I chwarae eich rhan yn y drafodaeth bwysig hon, cofrestrwch eich diddordeb erbyn Dydd Gwener 22 Tachwedd.

    I gofrestru eich diddordeb, cwblhewch yr holiadur byr isod. 


    We are currently planning a review of AS and A levels in Cymraeg and Welsh Second language, with the intention of implementing reforms, as required in readiness for new qualifications to be taught from September 2027.  

    To reach these aims, we intend to conduct an extensive programme of engagement with Welsh language practitioners, as well as learners, senior leaders and others with an interest in the impacts of this work.  

    We aim to conduct the engagement via 1:1 Teams meetings, school visits and/or small group workshops. We are keen to hear about experiences of delivering the current qualifications, as well as any views on future reforms. Read more about our approach to these reforms here. If you have any further queries, or would like to offer any further observations please contact us on   

    To play your part in this important discussion, please register your interest by Friday 22 November 2024.

    To register your interest, please complete the short survey below. 

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 01:30 PM