GCSE Engineering

Engineering plays a role in every aspect of our lives – from smart TVs to electric cars to artificial limbs.

GCSE Engineering allows learners to understand how engineering shapes and impacts our communities and the planet, and how it can contribute to creating a sustainable future.

Learners will embrace engineering challenges and work with tools and materials to engineer solutions in a range of engaging and authentic contexts. They will develop their skills to create functional products and components with accuracy and precision.

What will learners be assessed on?

  • Demonstrating and applying knowledge and understanding of engineering principles, materials, tools and techniques, and using maths for engineering.

  • Analysing technical information and evaluating components, products, and solutions in a range of engineering contexts.

  • Demonstrating skill and precision when making tangible components and products to a specification and when solving engineering problems.

How will learners be assessed?

  • Portfolio (60%) assessing skills, and the application of knowledge and understanding, to make tangible components or products and solve engineering problems. The portfolio will include a series of tasks that use different contexts and target the range of learners’ abilities in engineering. The tasks will be set by the awarding body, marked by teachers and moderated by the awarding body.

  • Exam (20%) assessing knowledge and understanding of engineering principles, materials, tools and techniques, and their application. We propose that this exam is taken on screen.

  • Practical assessment (20%) assessing learners’ ability to create tangible engineering products or components with skill and precision when working to a set specification. This assessment will be set and marked by the awarding body. The awarding body will also specify the duration and timing of the assessment.

For more details on the purpose and aims, content and assessment arrangements for this qualification, please read the full design proposal.

We also have a Youth Friendly version for you to access.

Engineering plays a role in every aspect of our lives – from smart TVs to electric cars to artificial limbs.

GCSE Engineering allows learners to understand how engineering shapes and impacts our communities and the planet, and how it can contribute to creating a sustainable future.

Learners will embrace engineering challenges and work with tools and materials to engineer solutions in a range of engaging and authentic contexts. They will develop their skills to create functional products and components with accuracy and precision.

What will learners be assessed on?

  • Demonstrating and applying knowledge and understanding of engineering principles, materials, tools and techniques, and using maths for engineering.

  • Analysing technical information and evaluating components, products, and solutions in a range of engineering contexts.

  • Demonstrating skill and precision when making tangible components and products to a specification and when solving engineering problems.

How will learners be assessed?

  • Portfolio (60%) assessing skills, and the application of knowledge and understanding, to make tangible components or products and solve engineering problems. The portfolio will include a series of tasks that use different contexts and target the range of learners’ abilities in engineering. The tasks will be set by the awarding body, marked by teachers and moderated by the awarding body.

  • Exam (20%) assessing knowledge and understanding of engineering principles, materials, tools and techniques, and their application. We propose that this exam is taken on screen.

  • Practical assessment (20%) assessing learners’ ability to create tangible engineering products or components with skill and precision when working to a set specification. This assessment will be set and marked by the awarding body. The awarding body will also specify the duration and timing of the assessment.

For more details on the purpose and aims, content and assessment arrangements for this qualification, please read the full design proposal.

We also have a Youth Friendly version for you to access.

Page last updated: 14 Dec 2023, 02:33 PM