Grwpiau Pwnc TAAU / VCSE Subject Groups

Rydym yn chwilio am athrawon pwnc i gymryd rhan yn ein grwpiau pwnc TAAU sydd i ddod.

Mae'r grwpiau pwnc TAAU wedi'u targedu at athrawon pwnc ac arweinwyr cwricwlwm sy'n dysgu'r meysydd pwnc rhwng 14-16. Byddai hyn yn golygu mynychu un gweithdy ar-lein a gynhelir yn ystod mis Ebrill - Mehefin (dyddiadau i'w cadarnhau).

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymuno, gallwch lenwi'r ffurflen hon erbyn Dydd Gwener 12fed Ebrill.

We are looking for school subject teachers to be involved in our upcoming VCSE subject groups.

The VCSE subject groups are targeted at subject teachers and curriculum leads that teach these subject areas at 14-16. This would entail attending one online workshop to be held during April - June (dates to be confirmed).

If you are interested in joining please can you fill in this form by Friday 12 April.

Categories: GrwpiauPwnc, SubjectGroups
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