Asesu ffurfiannol / Formative assessment
Mae ysgolion wedi bod yn rhannu eu profiadau o ddefnyddio technolegau digidol mewn asesiadau ffurfiannol gyda ni. Gallwch ddarllen am eu profiadau yma.
Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ymchwilio i’r maes hwn gydag ysgolion oherwydd bod technolegau digidol yn dod yn fwyfwy amlwg o fewn addysg yng Nghymru. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn ein helpu i ddeall yn well sut mae ysgolion yn defnyddio technolegau mewn addysgu a dysgu, a'u rhesymau dros eu defnyddio.
Rydyn ni am barhau i ddysgu am oruchwylio o bell ac rydyn ni’n gwahodd ysgolion i rannu eu henghreifftiau o ddefnyddio technolegau digidol mewn asesiadau ffurfiannol gyda ni, trwy glicio yma.
Schools have been sharing their experiences of using digital technologies in formative assessments with us. You can read about their experiences here.
We have been exploring this area with schools because digital technologies are growing in prominence within education in Wales. This work helps us to better understand the ways in which schools are engaging with technologies in teaching and learning, and their reasons for using them.
We want to continue our learning of remote invigilation and we invite schools to share their examples of using digital technologies in formative assessments with us here.

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