Dweud eich Dweud ar arholiadau haf / Have Your Say on summer 2024 exams

Rydym yn eich gwahodd i lenwi ein arolwg byr i rannu eich profiad o'r gyfres arholiadau hon. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich barn am yr arholiadau TGAU, UG, Safon Uwch a Lefel 2/3 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant a gaiff eu sefyll yng Nghymru yr haf yma.

Bydd yr adborth a gawn yn helpu i lywio ein gwaith o fonitro'r system cymwysterau yng Nghymru.  Bydd yr arolwg yn cau ar ddydd Llun 8 Gorffennaf.


You’re invited to complete our short survey and share your experience of this exam series. We are interested in hearing your views about the GCSE, AS, A level and Level 2/3 Health and Social Care, and Childcare exams this summer in Wales. 

The feedback that we receive will help us monitor the qualification system in Wales. The survey will close on Monday 8 July. 


Rydym yn eich gwahodd i lenwi ein arolwg byr i rannu eich profiad o'r gyfres arholiadau hon. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn clywed eich barn am yr arholiadau TGAU, UG, Safon Uwch a Lefel 2/3 Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, a Gofal Plant a gaiff eu sefyll yng Nghymru yr haf yma.

Bydd yr adborth a gawn yn helpu i lywio ein gwaith o fonitro'r system cymwysterau yng Nghymru.  Bydd yr arolwg yn cau ar ddydd Llun 8 Gorffennaf.


You’re invited to complete our short survey and share your experience of this exam series. We are interested in hearing your views about the GCSE, AS, A level and Level 2/3 Health and Social Care, and Childcare exams this summer in Wales. 

The feedback that we receive will help us monitor the qualification system in Wales. The survey will close on Monday 8 July. 


  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Dylech allu cwblhau’r holiadur hwn ymhen rhyw bum munud, a rhaid ei gwblhau i gyd ar unwaith. Does dim angen i chi roi eich enw nac enw eich ysgol/coleg gan fod yr holiadur yn ddienw. Os ydych chi am wneud sylwadau am fwy nag un pwnc o'r rhestr, cwblhewch holiadur ar wahân ar gyfer pob pwnc. 

    This survey should only take around five minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting. You do not need to give your name or your school/college’s name as the survey is anonymous. If you want to comment on more than one subject from the list, please complete a separate survey for each subject.

Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 08:26 AM