GCSE Music
Studying music allows learners to explore one of humanity’s most universal languages, in a range of social and historical contexts. This includes developing an understanding of a broad range of music created and performed by others.
GCSE Music provides a wealth of opportunities to develop creativity, communication skills and curiosity through experiential learning. It also equips learners with the ability to communicate musically with technical control and sophistication.
This qualification will inspire learners to notice, express and share their experiences with confidence.
What will learners be assessed on?
Demonstrating and applying musical knowledge and understanding to a broad range of music created and performed by others.
Communicating musically with technical control, expression and interpretation.
Creating and developing musical ideas to realise artistic intentions with technical control of the musical elements.
Using appraising skills to make and express evaluative and critical judgements about their own and others' music.
How will learners be assessed?
Exam (35%) targeting the underpinning essential knowledge and understanding.
This exam will include digital, on screen assessment.
Practical performance (32.5%) and composing (32.5%).
Performing and composing tasks will be set by the awarding body, marked by teachers and moderated by the awarding body.
For more details on the purpose and aims, content and assessment arrangements of this qualification, please read the full design proposal.
We also have a Youth Friendly version for you to access.