GCSE Business

Studying business helps learners understand different business models, sectors and economies from a local, national and global perspective, and to appreciate the constantly changing economic reality that shapes Wales and the wider world.

This new GCSE Business qualification provides a unique and inclusive learning experience that allows learners to understand the impact business has on people and society through real business concepts such as enterprise, innovation, sustainability, and ethics. 

Learners will develop confidence and ambition to explore how businesses can remain viable, relevant, and responsive to future needs and challenges.

What will learners be assessed on?

Learners will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of:

  • Different business models, sectors, and economies from a local, national, and wider world perspective.

  • The relationship between the environment and business activity and innovation.

  • The ethical considerations and implications for a business.

  • How business is impacted by the role of authority and government.

  • The role of enterprise and technology in local and wider Welsh, UK and global economies, and its impact on people, places, and community.

Learners must also show that they can:

  • Apply the skills of enquiry, research, exploration, and analysis to support their investigations.

  • Critically evaluate and analyse data.

  • Apply their knowledge and understanding of real-world business challenges to make decisions and solve problems.

  • Make connections and transfer learning into new, and unfamiliar contexts, demonstrating an understanding of the economic reality around them.

Content and assessment will be structured around the following themes:

  • Technology and its impact on business, the environment, and people.

  • Sustainability: environmental implications for business and business models that support the natural environment.

  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

  • Governance and ethics.

  • The external environment and its impact on business.

Learners will have opportunities to explore the cross-cutting Curriculum for Wales themes of: human rights and diversity; and careers, and work-related experiences.

How will learners be assessed?

  • Enquiry research project (30%). This assessment will be set by the awarding body, marked by teachers, and moderated by the awarding body.

  • Non-exam assessment (20%). This non-exam assessment could include a decision-making exercise or critical evaluation in the form of a case study. Tasks will be set by the awarding body and either: marked by teachers and moderated by the awarding body or marked by the awarding body. Submission of all non-exam assessment will take place within the final year of the course.

  • Exams (50%). All exams will be taken at the end of the two-year course.

For more details on the purpose and aims, content and assessment arrangements of this qualification, please read the full design proposal.

We also have a Youth Friendly version for you to access.

Studying business helps learners understand different business models, sectors and economies from a local, national and global perspective, and to appreciate the constantly changing economic reality that shapes Wales and the wider world.

This new GCSE Business qualification provides a unique and inclusive learning experience that allows learners to understand the impact business has on people and society through real business concepts such as enterprise, innovation, sustainability, and ethics. 

Learners will develop confidence and ambition to explore how businesses can remain viable, relevant, and responsive to future needs and challenges.

What will learners be assessed on?

Learners will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of:

  • Different business models, sectors, and economies from a local, national, and wider world perspective.

  • The relationship between the environment and business activity and innovation.

  • The ethical considerations and implications for a business.

  • How business is impacted by the role of authority and government.

  • The role of enterprise and technology in local and wider Welsh, UK and global economies, and its impact on people, places, and community.

Learners must also show that they can:

  • Apply the skills of enquiry, research, exploration, and analysis to support their investigations.

  • Critically evaluate and analyse data.

  • Apply their knowledge and understanding of real-world business challenges to make decisions and solve problems.

  • Make connections and transfer learning into new, and unfamiliar contexts, demonstrating an understanding of the economic reality around them.

Content and assessment will be structured around the following themes:

  • Technology and its impact on business, the environment, and people.

  • Sustainability: environmental implications for business and business models that support the natural environment.

  • Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

  • Governance and ethics.

  • The external environment and its impact on business.

Learners will have opportunities to explore the cross-cutting Curriculum for Wales themes of: human rights and diversity; and careers, and work-related experiences.

How will learners be assessed?

  • Enquiry research project (30%). This assessment will be set by the awarding body, marked by teachers, and moderated by the awarding body.

  • Non-exam assessment (20%). This non-exam assessment could include a decision-making exercise or critical evaluation in the form of a case study. Tasks will be set by the awarding body and either: marked by teachers and moderated by the awarding body or marked by the awarding body. Submission of all non-exam assessment will take place within the final year of the course.

  • Exams (50%). All exams will be taken at the end of the two-year course.

For more details on the purpose and aims, content and assessment arrangements of this qualification, please read the full design proposal.

We also have a Youth Friendly version for you to access.

Page last updated: 14 Dec 2023, 01:53 PM